Commiphora Kua
Commiphora kua from Socotra
In addition to frankincense, myrrh was a sacred resin presented to the newborn baby Jesus. Myrrh is popular for use in industry, medicine and incense.

Latin name: Commiphora kua

Harvest location: Socotra

Scent: balsamic, sweet, pine, musk
The tree Commiphora kua grows on Socotra and has not been found anywhere else. Botanically it is also difficult whether the classification is correct. Unfortunately, the difficult botany concerns all resins from Socotra. The tree Commiphora kua is also called Commiphora abyssinica.

Since it is impossible to fly to Socotra and there are only a handful of dealers worldwide who have access to Socotra's treasures, it will take some time to finally clarify which resins we import from Socotra. Since we import the resins directly, we are also in contact with the harvesters and continue to research.
However, it is certain that the Kua myrrh is also a Commiphora tree. In the product pictures you can see that although the tree is relatively small and grows low, it has typical Commiphora spikes. Also in the fragrance profile, composition and coloring of the resin you can clearly see that it is a myrrh species.

Nevertheless, the fragrance is extraordinary! This is because it lacks the bitter scent that we know from Somali or Yemeni myrrh. The Kua myrrh is much sweeter, but not as sweet as Opoponax myrrh, but also has pine parts and a light musky scent.

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